Product F.A.Q's

What is Chakra?

The word “Chakra” is Sanskrit for wheel or disk and signifies one of seven basic energy centers in the body. Each of these centers correlates to major nerve ganglia branching forth from the spinal column. In addition, the Chakras also correlate to levels of consciousness, archetypal elements, developmental stages of life, colors, sounds, body functions, and much much more.

  • Root Chakra
  • Spleen/Sacral Chakra
  • Solar Plexus Chakra
  • Heart Chakra
  • Throat Chakra
  • Third Eye/Brow Chakra
  • Crown Chakra

How do I burn my Smudge?

Simply waft sage smoke in and around your home. You can place the bundle in a fireproof bowl or burner and allow it to smoke for a while.

You will need these few things to get started:

  1. A vessel for burning sage (found here)
  2. Sage (found here)
  3. A fire source (such as a long match or candle)
  4. A fanning tool 
Other dried plants such as juniper, rosemary, and cedar can also be used to clear energy if sage isn't your thing.

    How do I stop the burning my smudge?

    After clearing and cleansing, extinguish your smudge or sage stick by gently pressing it into the abalone shell, cast iron dish,clay dish, glass bowl or ashtray. You can also allow it to go out on its own. Some people like to wait 20-30 minutes to allow the sage smoke to reach maximum potency.


    What are the benefits of burning sage or smudges?

    Sage belongs to the Salvia plant family and is derived from the Latin word salvere, which means "to heal." Many smudge and use sage for the benefit physical, mental, and emotional well-being.


    Do you offer Grinders and what are the benefits?

    Yes! We offer Wood Grinders, Acrylic Grinders and Metal Grinders. They speed up and simplify the process of separating dry herbs, and make it much easier to conserve your herbs when they are finely ground.  A grinder can even act as a portable storage container for small amounts and some of our features small storage compartment on the bottom. Grinders come in many sizes, ranging from 1.5” in diameter to 3” and above. The size doesn’t factor into the function of the grinder. 


    What is the Fatima Hand or Hamsa Hand?

    The Hamsa symbol has many variations, but is commonly depicted with an eye within a hand. Widely used as a protective symbol that brings in luck, health, happiness and good fortune, warding off evil and negative feelings.

    Khamsah is an Arabic word that means "five", but also "the five fingers of the hand". The Hamsa is also variously known as the Hand of Fatima after the daughter of the prophet Muhammad, the Hand of Mary, the Hand of Miriam, and the Hand of the Goddess.  See our to selling Hand Burner.

    Hand of Miriam: In Jewish culture, the Hamsa is a symbol of the Hand of God. It is called the Hand of Miriam after the sister of Moses and Aaron.

    Hamesh: The word hamesh means five in Hebrew. It represents the name ‘Heh’ which is one of God’s many names.

    According to Hindus and Buddhists, the Hamsa represents the flow of energy of the chakras in your body as well as the five senses and mudras. Each finger of the Hamsa is representative of a chakra and an element.

    In addition, we have researched that The Hamsa is a symbol of the position of Mary, exalted above all mankind, as a compassionate and caring Mother.  It is popularly worn as a pendant or a charm and sported by many celebrities like T.I, Madonna and Jennifer Aniston.

    If the hand faces upwards, it is a sign against evil. It is representative of protection and repels the negativity of others and protects you from your own negative thoughts, such as envy, hatred and greed. The fingers may be spread apart to repel evil.

    If the hand faces downwards, the Hamsa represents abundance and goodness. It becomes a welcoming sign that invites good things into your life. In this position, the fingers are generally close together, as a sign of invitation for good luck